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Google Cloud BeyondCorp Enterprise [GCP SECURITY WEEK #5]

Bye Bye VPN – Welcome Google Cloud BeyondCorp Enterprise!

As part 5 of our Google Cloud Security Weeks, we would like to take a closer look at the topic of integration and security with existing infrastructure. Last week we briefly touched on the topic of VPN and Identity Aware Proxy for services provisioned in the cloud. For scenarios where it is necessary to fall back on the local data center and hybrid solutions, Google specifically offers a cloud solution called BeyondCorp Enterprise. 

With BeyondCorp, Google provides a concept that is used within the company itself and ensures the security of its own employees. Google does not rely on a conventional VPN solution, as one might expect, but relies on a more complex approach that puts several parameters in context in order to grant access. Google Cloud customers can go one step further and combine the power and scalability of the cloud in combination with the infrastructure from their own data center to provide applications safely and securely even without a VPN. For this purpose, a secure connection is established between the customer’s own data center and the Google Cloud where a proxy is configured in the cloud. 

Google Cloud BeyondCorp Enterprise – Benefits

But many of you will certainly ask themselves what advantage such a solution actually offers? You can start on the end user side.

  • For companies using BeyondCorp, there is no need for a separate VPN client for each user; all that is needed is an internet browser to access the application. 
  • Auf Seiten des Unternehmens ist hierfür auch keine teure Hardware-Investition für ein Enterprise VPN Gateway notwendig, sondern man konfiguriert einfach ein Stück Software welche auch mit der Zugriffsanzahl skaliert und keinen Flaschenhals darstellt.
  • With BeyondCorp Enterprise, additional Google Cloud services can be integrated, such as the Data Loss Prevention API (DLP API). With this it is possible to define rules to filter out or mask personally identifiable data or particularly sensitive information such as credit card data during download.   

Doch hier endet die Vielfalt an Integrationen natürlich nicht, hat man erstmal eine Verbindung in die Cloud aufgebaut, lassen sich auch die verbleibenden Dienste nutzen welche über die Kapazität der hauseigenen Infrastruktur hinaus gehen.  

Does this sound exciting and does it meet exactly your pain that you currently have with your solution? Get in touch with us and we will show you how you can easily implement all this in your company. As a goodie, we offer a free audit in cooperation with Google, which gives you an overview of the status quo in your company.

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